Digital Health Pass

An easy, efficient solution to help protect employees in the workplace.
Digital Health Pass project image.

Overview: We wanted to design a digital health pass utilizing research from real employees to provide a solution to help people feel safe, protected, and informed in the workplace. In this project, we focused on cultural organizations such as performing art centers, libraries, zoos, aquariums, etc.

Roles: UX Designer

Company & Project: UX Rescue: Digital Health Pass for Cultural Organizations

Timeline: August 2021 - October 2021

Project Background

Digital health pass project team formed through ux rescue organization

Our group was comprised of a research team with 4 members, a design team with 3 members, and the UX Rescue founder to help provide guidance and feedback.

Goals & Objectives

The project was inspired by our previous exploratory research, where we studied the COVID vaccination outreach efforts in underserved communities in the Los Angeles (LA) area. 

The objective of this project is to conduct generative and evaluative research to understand:

  • The safety protocols utilized by cultural organizations (i.e., performing art centers, libraries, zoos, aquariums).
  • Employees' feelings towards the prototype of the digital health pass created by the UX Rescue team.

Stages of the Process

Methodology Overview

Participant Survey:

A total of 275 cultural organization employees responded to our participant screener survey. We offered $20 Amazon gift card incentives to random survey participants.

We asked:

  • Work Type
    • Remote work status
    • Number of people they work with on a daily basis
  • Types of safety measures taken by their employers

Usability Test Session (Concept Testing):

A total of 6 potential users participated in the remote moderated usability test sessions. The usability test sessions doubled as concept testing for the prototype. Again, we offered $20 Amazon gift card incentives to random participants.

We asked:

  • Expectations for an apple-like digital health pass app
  • Scenario tasks
    • Location setting and two-factor authentication
    • General news and notifications
    • Uploading vaccine cards
    • COVID test results and symptoms tracker
    • Location testing centers
  • Additional considerations

Secondary Research

Cultural Organizations' COVID Safety Measures

Many companies and organizations are mandating vaccine proof or negative test results for their employees. The following documents are frequently required:

  • CDC vaccination card with photo ID
  • LA digital vaccine card through Healthvana or Clear Health Pass apps
  • State issued digital vaccine record (ie., CA state vaccine record)
  • Negative test result, valid within 72 hours

Certain organizations, like outdoor entertainment venues, have looser requirements but frequently utilized mask mandates.    


Healthvana mobile application conveniently allows users to save their vaccine proof digitally on apple wallet or google play. 
Healthvana sends an email to vaccinated users to prompt them to download vaccination proof digitally easily. However, currently there is no option for users to see their history of COVID testing results. This app is just for vaccinated users.    

Vaccine Record

CA state vaccine proof has very limited functionality. It provides digital proof but users cannot save these on their apple wallet or google play. Additionally, there’s no option to show test results, and the app lacks integration.

Design Workshop


To identify the problem statement and generate solutions in a human-centric way utilizing the following tools:

  • Proto-persona, to help the design team keep a user-centric approach when designing the app
  • Reframing exercise, to identify the problem space
  • Ideation and narrative storyboarding, to visualize the flow that a user would go through when interacting with the mobile app


Problem Statement

* The dots indicate votes from the workshop for areas to explore in our solution

Challenge (How Might We)  

* The dots indicate votes from the workshop for areas to explore in our solution

User Story


Plan and Results

Goal & Objective:

  • To gain a better understanding of the current COVID protocols for employees at cultural organizations.
  • To use this data to create a mobile design prototype


  • Survey via Google forms
  • Compensation: Respondents were entered into a lottery to win 1 of 5 $20 Amazon gift cards

Sample Criteria:

  • Current employee of a cultural organization
  •  Age 18 - 64


  • N = 275 participants 
    • All were current employees of cultural organizations
    • Age range: 18 - 64
    • Location: 34 different states

Participant Overview

Key Finding #1

Mask wearing and COVID testing was the primary COVID health precaution.

  • Across our sample, mask wearing is the current, primary COVID health precaution for cultural organization employees.
  • Mask wearing can be understood as the easiest precaution.

What this motivated...

  • Adding company announcements in the design of the mobile prototype.

Key Finding #2

41.8% of participants work either in-person or hybrid.

  • Respondents are required to go into their work spaces, indicating the use for a COVID Health App.

What this motivated...

  • Providing a section of Resources within the app that includes nearby testing centers & symptom information.

Designing the Solution

Design Process

We utilized desk research, survey findings, design workshop, and proto-persona, to inform our design decisions.

Below are some of the highlighted wireframes and features in our app. To maximize efficiency, we divided these flows between the designers. This helped us to meet our deadlines while creating a comprehensive solution with features to encourage users to engage with the app aside from solely uploading/showing vaccination status. 

The additional features also help distinguish our solution from existing applications that have very limited functionality.



Our proto-persona, Jane Doe, needed access to COVID related information quickly. A potential feature was a resources page with nearby testing centers and symptom information. 

This design decision was reinforced by our survey results in which we found more than 40% of survey participants were either working onsite or hybrid.

Company Announcements

Our design workshop and proto-persona prioritized personalized information, particularly on workplace safety. 

Users can receive company announcements for up-to-date information on their workplace while their employers can receive their vaccination status. This platform allows both parties to efficiently exchange information.

Usability Testing

Session Details

Goal & Objective:
To evaluate if our prototype meets the needs and expectations of our users.

Moderated, remote usability tests via Zoom.


  • We attempted to recruit participants from our target user group of cultural organization employees:
    • Distributed Google form to 80 survey respondents
  • When this was unsuccessful, we recruited from User Experience Slack channels:
    • Distributed Google form to 5 Slack channels
  • Compensation: $20 Amazon gift cards
  • Scheduling: Calendly


  • N = 6
  • Professions:
    • UX designer
    • interaction designer
    • graphic designer,
    • professor
    • software design studio executive
    • students


  • Affinity Diagram: Lucid Spark
  • Prioritization of Recommendations: Action Priority Matrix

Affinity Map

Key Finding #1

Mixed results from users on news feature:

  • Users didn't understand the point/value of location tracking
  • Uncertainty for “General News”


  • To streamline the app in its current state, the news feature will be tabled and reassessed as a possible future release.
  • Provide clarity on the purpose behind enabling location tracking for finding testing centers near them

Key Finding #2

Users want the two-factor authentication:

  • People want the ability to pick how frequently the authentication appears.
  • They see the safety component of the authentication, but want control of when it shows up.


  • Preemptively set two-factor authentication prompt to every 30 days & survey general users on their prompt frequency preferences for a later update.

Key Finding #3

Users felt that they couldn’t easily navigate crucial information:

  • Users felt that the activity log should be filterable, sortable, and/or categorized into sections.
  • The resources should be highlighted more on the Homepage.


  • Add sort & filter buttons at the top of the Activity page
  • Explore reorganization of the Homepage to move Resources from the bottom nav bar to a more prominent area of the Homepage dashboard.

Key Finding #4

Users assumed they would receive notifications when coworkers tested positive:

  • People thought the app would be able to track and release their coworkers’ COVID tests.
  • Thought that the app would be personalized for their specific workspace.


  • Due to privacy & legal concerns, we’ll emphasize that this feature is not within the current scope of the app.

Key Findings

Challenges and Opportunities

Factors the Design Team Faced


  • Tight turnaround left designers with less time for collaboration.
  • Team was reliant on other benchmarks & checkpoints before progressing further in the design process.
  • Limited opportunities for feedback and iterations.

Designing Without A Design System

  • Designers independently created solutions without a guide or frame of reference, thus leading to separate style guides.
  • When combining the separate designs, designers had to restructure user flows to consolidate wireframes.
  • To minimize user confusion, designers had to establish the final style guide to create a cohesive high-fidelity prototype for testing.

Factors the Research Team Faced

User Assumptions

  • Users assumed the app offered notifications when coworkers tested positive, but legal and privacy concerns render this feature challenging.
  • Users assumed the app offered contract tracing and could depict geographic areas with high numbers of positive cases, but this was beyond the scope of the current app.

Medical Limitations

  • Users wanted to see COVID symptoms described more clearly than on medical websites, and ranked by severity. Achieving this would require collaborations with medical professionals.

Employee Mandate Limitations

  • Users stated that employer mandates of employee app use would directly impact the perceived app value and utility, but employers could vary in their ability and willingness to mandate app use.
Screenshots depicting prototype onboarding flow
Screenshots depicting prototype vaccination card upload